New changes to LaravelCollections.com
Adi · 02/Jan/19
It’s been two weeks since the launch of my latest side project - LaravelCollections.com. The response I have been getting from the users is generally positive. Going through user emails and feedback motivates me to put in more time and effort into making the site better.
I had some time last week and I worked on some of the common suggestions I had from users. I want to update you on the changes here.
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New Changes
- You can now search the 400+ Laravel related links
- The most recently added link is shown on the Homepage
- The landing page has been improved
- Added an about page to explain about the project
- Users can submit links to Laravel Resources
Upcoming Features
- Tagging links, this way users can see all links relating to a tag
- A page to show 10 most recently added links
- Homepage redesign
- Pagination in the Collection Pages
- Better sorting of links in the Collection Pages
- Improve search efficiency
- Add a roadmap to the About page
- RSS feed for each Collection
- Promoted link - I was approached by a Laravel Book author about this, but I am still thinking about it
That’s all I have to share about LaravelCollections.com. I will update when something major changes to the project. If you have any feedback or suggestion, do drop an email to - laravelcollections@gmail.com.
Thank You.